Four Reasons Health Professionals Love Our HCC Coding Education App

We recently ran a poll asking how doctors preferred to learn about HCC documentation training tools and resources, and 50% selected “Peer Recommendations.” Fortunately, doctors just like you are using and loving our platform, and eager to share their experiences. We’ve broken their testimonials into three categories:  Ease of use, Depth of learning, Accuracy, and Quality of education. 


“There are a lot of other programs out there, but not like this.” – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


“Providers are not going to be able to do this much longer without tools. Even the Cadillac of EMRs has its limitations, and you’re never going to get away from provider education; it’s necessary.” – Teresa Caniglia, CDI


1. The format is easy and convenient to use


HHC coding education right on your phone makes it easy to learn, anytime, any place. Unlike lectures or even one-on-one coaching, the simplicity and convenience of the app allow you to engage in ongoing training throughout the day. Although, it only takes about 5 minutes per week to stay up to date!


It’s an easy format to follow. The mobile app is really easy to use and launch. It’s nice just having it with you rather than trying to read an article or listen to a podcast. . – Dr. Joseph Bateman


The mobile app is wonderful in that it’s a clinical vignette – it’s what is literally in front of their face, and it gets them thinking. – Teresa Caniglia, CDI


It’s nice. You know, I’ll be sitting down to eat something, or I’ll be sitting in a waiting room somewhere waiting to go to my doctor, physical therapy, whatever. Then I’ll just pull the app up, and I’ll do, you know, five or ten questions, click and shut it down, and you go do your thing. – Dr. Joseph Bateman


The app seems easy to use. – Dr. Jeffrey Linder


2. Clinical Vignettes increase memory and insights


Deep learning isn’t just about getting the information, it is about knowing what to do with that information. The DoctusTech App helps you learn through challenging questions that reveal gaps in knowledge and explanations that deepen understanding.


I like the concise feedback you get when you get a question wrong. And it tracks your progress. Looking at the right answer and why it’s the right answer – that’s very, very helpful. – Dr. Joseph Bateman


And yes, you miss questions, but that’s how you learn. And you can read afterward the rationale for the answers, and you learn right there. – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


Our app also incentivizes ongoing learning by gamifying the process of growing in your knowledge of HCC coding. You can compare results within your organization and determine where your organization lands externally with all users.


I like to be challenged, and that’s the way I learn – because it makes you remember. – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


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It’s concise, challenging, and when you find yourself between 2 answers, it’s challenging and makes you think! – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


The app also helps with knowledge retention in ways that are impossible with lectures and books alone.


And I also liked the fact that the information key principles are continuously repeated and asked in a different way. So you really get to know the concept. And it becomes more intuitive for you when you’re working on a patient’s chart. – Dr. Joseph Bateman


When you’re seeing patients, you remember the questions, and you remember what you need to ask the patients. – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


This highlights your knowledge and what you do or don’t know. The detailed answers help me to understand why it’s the right answer – Dr. Cynthia Ambler


3. The information is current and up-to-date

You need current, relevant and up-to-date information. The best way to stay up to date on all the changes in HHC coding is by regularly engaging with the Doctus Tech App.


You’re never going to be able to teach them everything they need to know in 60-90 minutes. This is never going to be a one-and-done. Medicine is broad, and it’s changing and developing. – Teresa Caniglia, CDI


It is definitely up to date. Any educational program helps physicians prep for boards, so this is a board question format. And that helps. – Dr. Jose a Villaplana-Canals, MD


As the body of knowledge grows, surely the use of digital tools is going to become pretty normal. – Dr. Joseph Bateman


I learned so many interesting things that I didn’t know I should look for. – Dr. Vljayalakshml Thota


4. The format is designed for learning


The DoctusTech App is designed to help you navigate the complex and changing world of HHC coding. The aim of our app is to replace boring lecture-style learning with engaging, challenging, and on-demand learning through questions that test your knowledge while filling-in knowledge gaps.


Question prompts are long, but I learned a lot. – Dr. Laura Tagle


It’s changing the way I’m thinking and how I’m going to document. I wasn’t consistent before this training. It’s an essential self-improvement exercise. – Dr. Patrick Towne


Content looks like my patient population. I’m trying to apply what I learned to my documentation now because it directly relates to my patient care. – Dr. Steven Lobue


Those of us in the know and leadership understand the importance of this and how it’s going to play an increasing role in our ability to deliver, to get paid, to deliver complex care. I personally understand how important it is to have someone use this versus another form of learning. I feel is that this is more intuitive and is full of kind of “aha” moments. All of my other education on this topic hasn’t really been that iterative or intuitive. I think this is the best thing I’ve come across to teach us some of the basic tenants. I got more out of it than I anticipated. I think you underpromised and over-delivered.  – Dr. Joseph Bateman