How To Change Physician Behavior – from AJMC

Notes and insights from a study published by AJMC on how to change physician behavior. “The authors evaluated methods for implementing clinical research and guidelines, in order to change physician practice patterns, in surgical and general practice. They evaluated the effectiveness of different implementation methods.”


And as we have demonstrated through successful behavior change in physicians using our HCC coding education app, the most common solutions aren’t the most effective when it comes to ongoing positive change in physician behavior. Want to learn how to change physician behavior? Let’s dig a little deeper into a review of reviews, revealing some hard truths.


We’ve been saying for years, lectures do not work. Emails do not work. If you want to know how to change physician behavior on HCC coding, don’t take our word for it. The American Journal of Managed Care released a systematic review evaluating fourteen medical reviews in an effort to understand which interventions are most effective in changing physician behavior for the better and improving patient outcomes. 


It is evident from their publication that the methods of intervention most commonly deployed in teaching doctors HCC coding are rarely able to create lasting change in physician behavior. 


Passive PEMs are not how to change physician behavior.


… reviews showed that formal didactic conferences and passive forms of CME, such as brochures or printed educational materials (PEMs), are the least effective methods for change and, at best, create small changes within practice. Other forms of passive dissemination, such as mailing PEMs to clinicians, were also deemed ineffective in changing physician behavior when used alone.


However, printed educational materials may be effective for raising awareness about specific behavior change. It is important to recognize that these passive approaches represent the most common approaches adopted by various healthcare organizations. 


So to reiterate, the most common approach is to distribute printed materials, emails, PDFs, flyers, email blasts and the like. And this is shown to be the least effective approach.


The goal of continuing medical education (CME) for many medical professionals is to do more than raise awareness. Rather, the aim of CME is to see ongoing growth in physician performance. What methods then are most effective for creating the desired change? 


Active and multifaceted methods are how to change physician behavior.


Various implementation methods are utilized to try and change physician behavior, and implementing the most effective ones is crucial to success. Our findings provide a comparison of relative effectiveness of various interventions, indicating that active forms of CME and multifaceted interventions are the most effective. In general, active approaches to changing physician performance have been shown to improve practice to a greater extent than traditional passive methods. 


Active approaches … led to greater effects than traditional passive approaches. According to the findings of 3 reviews, 71% of studies included in these reviews showed positive change in physician behavior when exposed to active education methods and multifaceted interventions.


Active education methods and multifaceted interventions are the most effective when it comes to growth in physician behavior. The DoctusTech App is designed to provide active education and multifaceted interventions. In short, our app helps facilitate your desired growth as a physician. In fact, our app excels at providing the most effective methods of intervention. 

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Sign up to our DoctusTech VBC Hub to receive tailored content recommendations direct to your inbox.


…interactive education methods were identified in 3 reviews as highly effective single intervention methods for changing physician practice patterns. Interactive educational methods or active forms of CME are non didactic or lecture-based learning, focus on facilitating physician discussion, and link education experience to the physician’s clinical cases. Reminders (concurrent and automatic) were also recommended due to consistent positive results.


Deep learning is about more than gathering knowledge.


Deep learning is about more than gathering knowledge. The best way to learn is to practice and apply information. Our app allows for interactive and engaged learning by offering challenging questions in a clinical vignette to both teach and reveal gaps in knowledge while offering explanations that deepen understanding.


…learning linked to clinical practice and self-directed multifaceted active educational methods both resulted in improved physician performance.


Our study indicated that practices should focus on implementation of active methods to change physician behavior and limit use of passive dissemination of educational material or formal didactic conferences.


The DocusTech App is also multifaceted in its approach to improving physician performance! Along with engaging questions, our app incentivizes and gamifies the learning process by comparing the results within your organization in order to determine where you organization lands externally with all users. The challenging questions and incentivizing nature of our app is designed to promote deep engagement through ongoing discussion and learning among physicians. 


…multifaceted interventions were most effective in changing physician practice patterns. Multifaceted interventions included a combination of active interventions: audit and feedback, reminders, local consensus or marketing, academic outreach, and interactive education.


The DoctusTech app knows that Active and Multifaceted methods are how to change physician behavior.


The DoctusTech App utilizes the same methods that have proven to help improve physician behavior. And just to reiterate, this is not a zoom call, a classroom style lecture, an email blast, or printed flyers. There are proven to be far less impactful or effective. Our app utilizes the most advanced intervention methods with the aim of replacing boring and ineffective lecture-style learning with engaging, challenging, and on-demand learning through questions that test your knowledge while filling-in knowledge gaps.


…multifaceted interventions and active forms of CME were rated the most effective implementation methods to change physician behavior for a desired outcome.


Are you struggling with how to change physician behavior? 

See how the DoctusTech app is changing physician behavior right now! Using multifaceted and deeply engaging interventions, educating physicians on HCC coding has never been more effective and efficient.

Schedule a conversation with Dr. Kazi today, and start to see change physician knowledge, behavior and accuracy in HCC coding today!.


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